Angad Sethi
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Powerful layout animations with Framer motion

It simplifies a lot of complex animations and really enables us to deliver Continue reading

Using Pledge 1% for Open source

One of the primary benfits (in my opinion 😄) we receive at Easy Agile is getting to pledge 1% of our time (roughly 1 day a quarter) volunteering for any not for profit organisation. I recently Continue reading

Improve and enjoy reviewing pull requests

It’s 3pm at work, you breathe a deep sigh of tiredness and walk over to your desk after your 10 min mid-day break. It’s finally time to tackle that massive PR review that you’ve been putting off the whole day. Continue reading

Jest/Saga mock testing cheat sheet

We use jest combined with React testing library to test our frontend components, and redux-saga-test-plan to test sagas. When mocking things in tests, be it an API call, saga generator functions or Atlaskit modules. I always seem to forget which mock is the right one for the current use case. Continue reading